By practitioners, for practitioners. Our ambition is to significantly reduce the processing time for transactional activity and recurring internal processes. We have developed a suite of modular software to boost productivity, xlrating growth
Lead innovation, unlock potential, xlrate growth.
Lead innovation, unlock potential, xlrate growth.
About us
xlr is a Saas business specialising in innovative software solutions designed to streamline operations and enhance efficiency for financial institutions, primarily fiduciary and fund administration businesses. Our cutting-edge solutions work seamlessly with your existing systems, empowering your team to deliver exceptional service quicker than ever before.
Our solutions

Internal billing processes re-imagined and hyper-efficient, allowing you to focus on client service.

Crunches big data, so you don’t have to. Need to digest your board pack between meetings? Byte makes a task like this a breeze for you.

Your 24/7 virtual secretary. Paving the way for messages to be routed securely, conveniently, at any time and in any language.
Automated transaction monitoring in real time – bringing major synergies compared to a CMP sample test model.

Key features
A word from
our founder
Having worked in the offshore financial services sector for over 10 years, xlr was formed to address two primary issues that I identified.
1 time consuming and tedious tasks.
2 staff shortages, ‘brain drain’, or any other similar description for this! Keeping a workforce fully staffed consistently within these businesses is inherently difficult – you’re often based in an offshore jurisdiction with a smaller talent pool.
Within xlr I hope to bring significant positive improvements to the way that your business is able to provide its services to clients. I hope to hear from you soon!
Will Wakeham
Will Wakeham
What is xlr’s software?xlr is a web application optimised for use on desktop computers.
How secure is my data?Our architecture is designed to ensure that your business does not expose itself to any additional risk through working with us. Data is stored in AWS servers in the EU and is encrypted when in transit. Our information security statement can also be shared with relevant parties.
What’s your pricing structure?Our pricing models work on a recurring annual or monthly subscription. The variables are the number of users, your chosen software modules from our suite as well as the processing capabilities (in simple terms, think of the count of transactions or size of data).
My business can’t handle any change right now. How else can I stay up to date?We encourage interested parties to engage with us, discussion is the first step in exploring your journey towards innovative solutions. We can also assist with ad-hoc consultancy activities for project or change management work-streams. Apart from this, follow our socials for regular updates and insights, or attend one of our frequent workshops!
What else is in the pipeline?We have big ambitions for our software suite, with a range of updates and further enhancements scheduled in addition to new modules. Watch this space!